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Puppy Application
The following questions are being asked so that the right puppy and right placement of each puppy is made according to requirements of the puppy and you. I hope you agree that the puppy’s welfare is at the foremost consideration in their placement.
Name:* Email Address:*
City: State: Zip: Country:
Home Phone:* Work Phone: How did you hear about us?
1. Who will be primary care giver?
2. Type of dwelling
3. Veterinarian & phone
4. Show or Pet quality puppy?
5. Do you intend to breed the dog? yes no
6. Are you interested in a male or female? male female
7. Fenced yard or kennel run?
8. Do you have other pets? If so, what kind?
9. Are there children in the household? yes no
10. Where will the puppy stay?
11. Do you own or are willing to crate train? yes no
12. Are you aware of the financial obligations that come with owning a pet? yes no
13. Will you be attending training classes? yes no
Thank you for your interest in Private Stock Shilohs, we will be getting back to you shortly.
*denotes a required field
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